Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Doing" & "Being"

The Lord and I have been working on me learning to "be," ala  Mary of Bethany. (Luke 10:38-42)

"Don't keep trying to figure everything out (about what He wants me to learn), just sit at My feet and BE.

So, I'm trying.  At this point, it's a little easier, because I am having a hard time really doing much of anything physically with my back as it is, but I still wrestle in my mind.  "What can I do to hear from the Lord? What can I do to know Him better? Love Him?  Feel His love?  How can I know what He wants here?" 

It's really rather pointless of me to worry this stuff to death, because the way He has been working in my life is to drop stuff on me when I least expect it, and make clear to me things about Himself, about me, about my situation.  No effort on my part.  At all.

So, I'm working on choosing the good part, of sitting at His feet and listening to His word.  Like Mary did.